Wind Energy

Dutch invented windmill and Americans gave it a twist. The final result is the huge windmills generating power. These windmill farm in the picture is hard to overlook on the Altamont Pass Road, between Livermore Valley and Tracy, in Northern California. The oldest windmill farm contains more then 4000 wind turbines captivity of 576 megawatt of annual electricity generation.

Talking about alternative energy source, these good old windmills comes first in the list. Here is one of the post where I had a chance to explore the organic toys and alternative source of energy, in a kids museum.
Organic Toys A View!

Ahh! I really like to see those dutch windmills in the city.

Happy New Year!


solar panels for your home said...

Heard of many Solar Grants from the government in the UK ?

Energy Efficiency said...

I've also seen these wind turbines in the northern part of the Philippines!

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