Literacy Celebration!

                                Children Books-20 Cent  and Videos-50 Cent

                                                     Free Balloons with a logo "Read, Learn, Write"

Books, Cotton Candies, Free Balloons, Popcorn and Puppet show! We got it all, at our local library in the last day of summer literacy celebration. Kids were whirling at the booths like honey bees at the flower.
Oh..! I did not mention, they were having face painting too. The glittery butterfly was the most common one all most every kids had on their cheeks.

The balloons had logos on it "Read, Learn, Write", the traditional and effective mantra to achieve knowledge. There is not any short cut. At least, until now.

Grownups were even more amused then ever, by resting their eyes on the books they liked. Paperbacks were one dollar. Who cares Borders, at least for some time.


Arpana said...

good vibrant gathering!

Emma Michaels said...

Looks like fun!!! New follower!!!

Emma Michaels

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